Writing a cover letter is no less important
than a CV in most cases. Most companies want to see your cover letter, so to
broad up chances of getting a job, anyone should pay enough attention to it.
First what is a cover letter and why so many companies want it?
Job seekers frequently send a cover letter
along with their curriculum vitae or application for employment as a way of
introducing themselves to potential employers and explaining their suitability
for the desired position. Employers may look for individualized and
thoughtfully written cover letters as one method of screening out applicants
who are not sufficiently interested in their position or who lack necessary
basic skills.
So a good cover letter is one more guaranty
that you can get a job , and in any industry extra chances is more than a good
reason to take it.
First what cover letter must have and what it
should avoid having in it:
must be short, about half of a A4 page
must free of all grammar mistakes
of all spelling mistakes
must feel like art of minimalism was applied to it
must look really confident in it, like you are already hav this job
must show that you are aware what this company is famous for
that you over impressed with an idea of working there
that you know the name of whom going to read your cover letter
not threat them directly
show that you even know where they live
logical stuff
Step one: write Dear [insert name of your
employer here]
Step two: write what you want from him
Step three: Write a paragraph in where you
tell: why you want to work in this company and why you think you are worthy to
be chosen for this position.
Step four: Final paragraph should have thing
like: what you going to after getting the job , how happy they are going to be
when they will see you in action.
Step five: write all contact information again
and don’t forget to add respectful closing statement in the end.
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